Next month, November, is the mid term elections. All members of the House of Representatives, a third of all US senators, and most state governors and officials are up for election or re election. This may be the last chance for us voters to pull our country out of its current power dive into the ground. We don’t get another chance until 2024, and which point to may be too late to save the country.
The most important thing us voters can do is get rid of all the Greenies. Greenies have strong opinions and no common sense. Greenies want to shut down drilling for oil and gas, fracking, coal mining, and nuclear energy and cattle raising. They feel (they don’t think but they have a lot of feelz) that fracking, oil and gas exploration, coal mining, and nuclear power are evil and should be stopped. None of them have gone thru a New Hampshire winter with no central heat. Or walked to the store in a snow storm because they don’t have any gas for the car.
The reason for $5 a gallon gasoline is the Biden administration making nice to Greenies. They shut down the Keystone XL pipeline their first day in office. They stopped leasing any federal land for oil drilling, and they told the banks not to lend money to drill for oil, it was too risky. That deliberately cut US oil and gas production by 1 million barrels a day, creating the shortage that led to $5 gasoline. We need to get rid of these people, they will starve us all.
Greenies don’t have the courage to put them selves on the ballot. Instead they attach themselves to the Democrats, who are on the ballot. To get rid of the country wrecking Greenies, get out and vote a straight Republican ticket this November.
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