Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Greeks blinked

After a lot of big talk from the new Syriza government of Greece,  the Greeks agreed to keep  the cost cutting measures ("austerity") that previous Greek governments had agreed to (agreed to under pressure, but agreed to) in return for four months more of EU bailout payments.  Apparently the EU had the stones to tell the Greeks, "Do it our way if you want any more of our money."  Since the Greek government is totally stoney broke, it listened to reason.  Now all it has to do is sell the deal back home in Greece. 

Homeland Security Funding

We have Jeh Johnson, secretary on Homeland Security on Meet the Press and Face the Nation,  bewailing the lack of funding, and all the horrible things that will cause.
   Congress could, make itself look better, by funding those parts of Homeland Security that do a good job and make sense, like the Coast Guard, and perhaps the Secret Service.  Defund  the TSA and the federal flood insurance program.  Leave the restrictions on amnesty on Customs and Immigration. 

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Crop dusting in four engine Lockheed Constellation?

The story on Fox, is that an old Air Force Constellation, which had carried president Eisenhower, making it the first Air Force 1, is sitting in the boneyard at Davis Montham, hoping for someone to fix it up and make it a museum piece.  According to the news, the Air Force retired the Connie from service in the 1970's and it got sold to some enterpreneur who planned to use it for crop dusting.
  That I want to see.  The Constellation is a big four engine airliner.  The thought of swooping across a cornfield at 50 feet spraying insecticide is daunting. 

Real jobs and Government Jobs

Real jobs produce salable goods, valuable intellectual property, entertainment that people will pay to enjoy, transportation, or communication.  The more people we have working real jobs, the more wealth our society has. 
   Government jobs consume wealth, they don't create it.  Government workers pay comes from funds taken away from people who earned it at real jobs. 
   Moral of the story.  You cannot solve unemployment by giving people government jobs.  You have to stimulate the real economy to create more real jobs. 

Friday, February 20, 2015

Rudi Guiliani

I don't believe I would have trashed Obama quite so hard myself, but now that Rudi has, I cannot disagree with him all that much.

Add Grated Cheese

Those frozen french bread pizza's.  The best of the frozen pizza breed, which ain't saying much.  I added a good hand full of grated cheese before sticking it in the oven for 30 minutes at 350F.  Improved it a good deal.  Still not anywhere close to real pizzeria pizza, but better.  Especially when it's 5 below zero and a half an hour drive to Gold House Pizza in Littleton, NH.

John Bolton for Secretary of State

If we can elect a Republican president in 2016, I recommend he appoint John Bolton as Secretary of State.