Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Obama is on TV trashing the Donald for not paying enough taxes

Obama, your IRS has audited the Donald every year of your administration.  They didn't find anything wrong with his tax returns.  If The Donald ain't paying enough taxes to suit you, your IRS was OK with it. 

Will this endless election actually end next week?

Lord I hope so.  But it might not.  The polls are very tight, the election could go either way, or worse,  deadlock.  That would throw the election into the US House of Representatives.  Where the current Republican majority ought to be able to elect Trump.  Even after they vote by states, one vote per state, as required by the 12th amendment, which was passed after the disputed Adams/Jefferson election of 1804.
  Or it goes to the Supremes.  Last time (2000) the Supremes had a 5 to 4 conservative majority.  This time, since the death of Justice Scalia, the court is split 4-4.  The Supremes are as partisan as all the other Washington pols, and so would be unable to reach a decision.  What happens after that is any one's guess. 
   The newsies like elections.  They are simple, horse races, and even the dimmest newsie can find things to saw that don't make him/her sound too dumb.  So they will do what they can to keep this one going.  That's essier for them than starting up the coverage of the 2020 election, which the newsies would otherwise do a couple of days after the polls close next week.  We will surely hear more about Hillary's email and the FBI, whether she wins or looses. If she wins, the constant harping on the emails won't help her.  If Trump wins, the newsies will settle down to harassing him for his entire term.
   And, the voters on the loosing side are going to be unhappy, and stay unhappy.  If you believe the polls, that's gonna be about half the country.  Can the winner find anything to do or say to ease that unhappiness?

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

WMUR (channel 9) TV NH governor's debate.

On one side we have Democrat Colin Van Ostern.  Colin is in favor of  building commuter rail, offering universal prekindergarten, funding alternate energy, signing up for Medicaid expansion.  He is against the Northern Pass power line project. When asked how he plans to pay for all this goodness Colin claimed that he could do cost savings in NH state government which would be enough.  Right. He did have enough political sense to say he would not put in a state income tax or state sales tax.  " He took the pledge" as we say up here.  Only smart thing he said all night.
   Chris Sununu talked about trying to bring more business into NH, something we need.  He is against commuter rail, pointing out that the $350 million for commuter rail would finish the widening of I93 and fix every worn out highway bridge in the state.  He said that "alternate energy" merely raises every one's electric bills. 
   They both agreed that NH needs better mental health and drug therapy facilities.
   None of the newsies on the panel had the stones to ask about right to work.  

Alley Cat Appreciation Month

We are in it.  Although "Alley cat" is non PC.  The PC word is feral cat.  Seen a couple of pieces in the Wall St Journal, lotta posts on the 'Net.  All saying nice things about alley cats.  I met my first real alley cats when youngest son went to college in Brooklyn.  They made me feel sorry for them.  Skinny, grubby, coats in poor condition, living outdoors in a New York winter, it was clear that house cats have a much better life than alley cats. 
   There was a piece in the Journal about keeping feral cats around the Jacob Javits center to keep the rats in check.  Nice color picture of a loading dock with a nice looking black and white cat on it.  Except, that cat looked more like a house cat than an alley cat.  It was well fed, it's coat was fine and glossy, it was sitting in the middle of the loading dock.  Alley cats remain in corners, under cars, outta sight, they don't plunk themselves down in the open to get their pictures taken. 
   Then a nice puff piece on alley cats made it onto my facebook page this morning. 

There has gotta be something wrong

With a national political party going thru TWO party chair women in just one election season.  First they had to dump Debbi Wasserman Schultz over her work against The Bern in the primaries.  Now they dump Donna Brazille for feeding debate questions to Hillary.  How do the Democrats select their chair persons? 

Monday, October 31, 2016

FBI shrinks from getting their hands dirty

According to Fox last night, the FBI got a search warrant for the Weiner/Adebin laptop.  I assume they were investigating the charges against Weiner for sexting a minor.  After a WEEK, the laptop was turned over.   Hell, give me just an hour and every single bit on the hard drive goes bye-bye for good.  After looking thru the laptop the FBI discovered a deep pool of really ugly mud.  To avoid going for a swim in filth, the FBI decided they needed another search warrant to look into it.  They must have been hoping the courts would be slow.  Well the second search warrant turned up in time for the election.
   For me, the take out is :  ONE search warrant is all you need to search ONE laptop.  The FBI was stalling, hoping the matter would go away. 

   Afterthought:  They are now saying the laptop has 650,000 emails on it.  Best I can think, they backed up Hillary's server onto the laptop.  And that's a lot of emails.  That's 445 emails a DAY, for the four years Hillary was Secretary of State.   

Sunday, October 30, 2016

The economy is most important issue.

Why?  Because with a strong economy all other things become possible.  With a strong economy everyone can find a job, and the 10% of the working age population that doesn't have a job, or can't find full time work, or is on the official unemployment rate will all have jobs.  And they will pay taxes instead of absorbing welfare bennies.  Boosting tax revenue by 10% would do good things for the deficit, and provide money for all sorts of social bennies, better schools, more infrastructure, maternity leave, you name it, money makes it all possible.  A strong growing economy throws off money like a tree shedding its leaves in the fall. 
   A strong economy reduces crime.   It employs people.  The unemployed have the time and motivation to do a little burglary, deal some drugs, steal a few cars.  Put 'em to work and we will have less crime. 
   A strong economy improves civilian morale.  When the economy is strong people feel better about life in general 'cause they no longer worry about loosing their jobs.
   A strong economy gives the muscle needed to deal with Islamic crazies,  Vladimir Putin, the NORKS, and the rest of them.  Remember WWII, our economy won that one.  Starting from scratch the American economy poured forth the war material, aircraft, tanks, rifles, av gas, rations, army trucks, and nuclear weapons that doomed the enemy. American av gas fueled the RAF for the Battle of Britain.  Dodge army trucks and LL Bean shoepaks made the Red Army mobile.  British troops drove American Sherman tanks to victory at El Alamain.  Our economy was efficient and strong enough to keep running at the wartime pace even after 10 million men were taken out the economy and enlisted in the armed forces. 
   The economy has to grow 3% a year just to keep up with population growth.  It has to grow to offer jobs to each year's crop of new high school and college grads.  Obama has failed in this.  Under Obama economic growth has been 1.5% instead of 3%.  That's why so many new grads are still living at home and playing video games, they can't find jobs.
   We need a new president who will make the economy grow.  Open up all federal lands, and offshore waters to oil exploration.  Restrain the NIMBYs and BANANAs who are stopping every sort of construction.  Close tax loopholes and reduce the rates to keep business from fleeing the country.  Shut down the patent trolls.  Repeal Obamacare.  Repeal most of Obama's business killing regulations.  Stop pouring good money into greenie "alternate energy" ratholes.