Tuesday, May 8, 2012


So I'm looking thru a slick paper blow-in for Nikon camera's which fell out of yesterday's Wall St. Journal.  I like cameras, and would love to upgrade my worn plastic point-n-shoot to a big black Nikon with a lens the size of a manhole cover.  So I open the flyer and we have a Nikon point-n-shoot in five designer colors, with color coordinated carry cases.  Instead of a good zoom lens, which covers all bases, this little fellow has interchangeable lens, which is pretty fancy for a point-n-shoot.  The lenses are even color coordinated.  Pretty fancy price too, $700 for the camera.   There are just a few simple things the ad doesn't tell you about.  Such as batteries, cost of, type, recharger, battery life.  I'm guessing the viewfinder is electronic, but they don't say.   Nor do they give the number of pixels.  Does this baby have that really convenient automatic lens cap so you can jam the thing into a pocket without worrying about scratches and dirt on the lens?  My cheapy Kodak can do that, what about this really pricey Nikon?
  Next page they have some  $100 point-n-shoot's, fixed lens, 16 Megapixel.  And a total of eight different models, at various prices, but far as I can see, roughly the same performance on each model, despite a three to one range in prices. 
  Last page we get into the big iron, black, leatherette covered, professional grade camera's with thru the lens viewfinders.  These guys start at $549 and work up to $3000.  Wow, I could get into these babies for less that the color coordinated lady's model point-n-shoot.   They have a selection of mean looking lenses.  But the catalog doesn't say which lens fits which camera's, nor does it say the lenses have a universal mount that fits all camera's.  No word about batteries.  Nothing about the size and weight of these babies.  It's probably sizable but it would be nice to know how sizable.   No word about speed.  Digital camera's need a bit of time to digest each shot before they can take the next shot.  Would be nice to know just how much time is involved.  These boys can all double as video camera's, high definition video no less.   The flyer neglects to say if they do sound as well as video, and how the video comes out, VGA? HDMI?  USB?  some new interface that my computer lacks?
   In short, this flyer raises as many questions as it answers. It would be nice if there were some ad guys who knew something about cameras.

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