Thursday, January 31, 2013

Immigration policy for Republicans

America needs immigrants.  We as a nation are not bearing enough children to maintain our population.  This is bad.  It takes a large population to continue to be the superpower.  We need young workers to keep the economy running as the senior generation retires.  And to support all those retirees.  China and Japan are showing what happens to a nation's demographics when birthrates decline.
   Immigrants fill in for the lack of native born children, and once inside the US, they tend to have more children than native born so they keep the birthrate up. Immigrants make the most loyal US citizens, they know how good things are in the US and how much better off they are as US citizens than as citizens of where ever they came from.   
  Since we have created something pretty good here in America, everybody in the world would like to live here.  So we can afford to be choosy about who we let in.  We want young immigrants who will take jobs, pay taxes, raise families, stay out of trouble and contribute to the American society.  We want immigrants with skills and advanced education; technicians, plumbers, electricians, medical doctors, engineers and scientists.  We don't want so many immigrants that they swamp the native born and change the character of the country.
  Our population is 300 million last time I checked.  We could surely admit a mere one million immigrants a year without diluting the essence of America.  Each would be immigrant is ranked, so many points for a STEM degree, so many points for being young, for being married, for speaking English, for having minor children, for having a company job offer, and so on.  We admit the top scoring one million applicants, every one else waits til next year. 
   Then we need to do something about the 10 or 11 million illegal immigrants inside the country.  Right now these people are outlaws.  They don't dare go to the police when they are robbed, assaulted, swindled, or cheated.  They don't even dare take out a public library card.  Each time they drive they are in fear of a minor traffic stop getting them fired and deported.   Most of 'em work hard, stay out of trouble and out of sight.  They would make fine hard working citizens.  Keeping them outlaws certainly doesn't accord with Jefferson's notion that all men are created equal. 
  I don't have the heart to deport them all.   Keeping them on as outlaws is offensive to my sense of right and wrong.
  Which gets around to the business of legalizing them.  Was it me, I'd give anyone who has stayed out of trouble a green card, permission to work and live in the US.  I'd offer real citizenship (right to vote, eligibility for social security and medicare) to  anyone willing to jump thru a few more hoops. 

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