Saturday, January 2, 2016

Is this Right? Wall St Journal new year's predictions

Let's see here.  WSJ makes twelve predictions.  Number 2 is "The Fall if Islamic State" by Walther Russell Mead, who ought to know better.  Walther thinks that IS has antagonized the French, the Russians, the Merkins, and scared the bejesus out of the surviving Sunni Arab regimes left in the middle east, and thus it will get crushed.  Maybe.  But an ideology so strong as to pull European teenagers to fly to Turkey and hike across the border into Syria to carry an AK47 for IS is going to be hard to stop.
  "A Grand Bargain on Energy" Jeffry Sachs (Columbia University Earth Institute) thinks there is a role for wind and solar energy.  He does not explain how wind and solar keep my lights burning after the sun goes down on a windless day.  If my juice goes off, my oil burner stops working and my pipes freeze.
   "Bookstores are Back" by Ann Patchett, owner of a startup bookstore.  I wish her a lotta luck.  Up here our beloved Village Bookstore, after 20 years of operation, went out of business, and it being revived on a much smaller scale.  Between the price competition from the Walmarts of the world, E-books, and the ridiculous price of hardbacks,  bookstores have a tough row to hoe.
  "Cooperation with China" by Orville Schell, outlines the well know tension spots between the US and China and is so pleased to find that the Chinese and Americans can agree about "Climate Change".  How groovy.  Not a word about US-Chinese trade, the largest trade relationship in the world.  You would think having most of your economy connected to trade with the US might just possibly create a few common interests.  Mr. Schell does'nt mention this at all,
   Ah well, four out of twelve duds ain't too bad.  Betcha the NYT did worse.

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