Sunday, March 24, 2019

Mueller report driving the TV newsies bananas

All the TV newsies have been talking all weekend about the Mueller report.  Mueller released it to the Attorney General late Friday afternoon.  They say ( without having had access to the report, yet) that it exonerates Trump.  Barr, the attorney general, released a very short summary Sunday afternoon that backs that up, sort of.  The democrats were hoping the Mueller would provide them with ammunition for an impeachment of Trump.  I think they are disappointed, although they might press ahead with impeachment anyhow.  Lot of heavy duty pols  from both parties  are calling for the entire report to be released to them, and the press, ASAP.  Probably a good idea, just to settle the matter.  To me, the idea that any American would cooperate with the Russkis is absurd. 

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