Monday, January 6, 2020

Foreign students are good deal for America

America has something like a million foreign college students.  Invisible benefit to us, most young folk have a good time doing an American college education.  I think the vast majority of them carry away a nice warm feeling about America after graduation.  And its a good bet that a lot of 'em will wind up influential citizens back in their home country.  In short, as we offer a good college education we are also making friends around the world.  This has got to be a good thing.  Plus foreign students help keep America green, they send money. 
   So let's not hassle them over visas.  Let's make it easy to enter America.  And for that matter, lets make it easy for them to stay here, even after graduation.
   Of the million odd foreign students, a third of them are Chinese.  There has been some rumblings in the media, and some FBI investigations, all concerned with Chinese intelligence agencies using Chinese students as information sources, or worse.  We are now presenting Chinese students with a hostile stare rather than a friendly greeting.  Let's not drive Chinese students away thru plain unfounded suspicions.

1 comment:

Libor Soural said...

I won a scholarship and studied at Goshen College, Indiana. Overall, I liked the US when I went to Hollywood to make it big as a screenwriter. In the end I did not succeed as I had wanted, but still I have made quite a mark, and not only in America. Seriously, Serious Entertainment will leave you speechless ...