Saturday, February 1, 2020

College is too damn expensive

I paid tuition for all three of my children.  They all graduated.  It was expensive.  Like $8000 a year, per child.  It's worse now.
  Big part of the problem, Uncle Sam will loan a student all he/she needs.  If the colleges find things are a little tight this year, they just hike the tuition.  Uncle will pay.  The students will sign, they are so deep in debt that another couple of K doesn't sound so bad.  Students are graduating with $50K debts that cannot be dumped via bankruptcy.  Lot of 'em are putting off marriage, home buying, child raising, everything, until their student debt is paid down.  This might take 10 years.
   Colleges could cut costs.  First off, lay off ALL the administrators.  Administrators don't teach, don't do anything connected with education, but they draw their very handsome pay regularly.   Then lay off the janitors and the buildings and grounds folk.  Have the students sweep the halls, mow the grass, shovel the snow, set the tables, wash the dishes, what ever.  We did that at Westtown school, it worked out well.  Lay off the IT department.  Have the computer science majors keep the school computers humming. 

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