Friday, March 27, 2020

Writing is the other half of English.

 Best way to teach children to write is to have them write.  Now-a-days with rubout keys that really work, Word for Windows with spell and grammar check, writing is easier than in the bad old days of pen and ink on lined paper, or typewriters.   And now-a-days I think every kid needs to touch type.  For young children learning touch typing there are programs that teach it.  Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing is the one our family used.  I don’t know if Mavis is still in business but Google will tell you, as well as find other programs, and reviews of typing programs.
  Back in the old days I had to write a lot of book reports for school.  I am not convinced that squeezing a several hundred page book down to a one or two page book report is a learning experience.  Better exercise is to write the classic five paragraph essay.  First paragraph gives an overview “tell ‘em what you are going to say”.  Three body paragraphs (main idea and two supporting ideas) explain what you are trying to say, and a final paragraph summarizes what you have said.  Subjects for essays can be how to do something (cooking, fixing something, fishing, camping, kite flying), what happened at some time in history, how something works, political ideas (best for older children).  Parent can help their children to find a good subject.  An essay ought to about a page long and should not take more than 45 minutes to write. If writing an essay is taking too long the kid needs some help. 
   And, more fun than essays is posting something on line.  As parent you might want to have your children show you their posts before they post them.  And you might want to point out trolls, rants, hate speech, flame wars, and fake news as it appears and suggest that they never reply to such.  And the need for privacy, which means never post their contact information (home address, phone number, email address).  In fact you don’t have to reveal your name, post using a pen name.  Posts ought to be short; half a page is long for a post.  Witty is good.  Mean is bad.  Limit posts to a single idea.  If you have more than one idea make more than one post.

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