Sunday, August 15, 2021

So where have I been these last ten days??


   At death’s door.  Wednesday last I noticed a LOT of blood in my stool (poop to you ordinary mortals.)   I went to see my doctor.  I drove over to Littleton and parked in the first row of cars.  I nearly failed to make the emergency room door.  My knees just buckled leaving me on hands and knees in the rain.  Fortunately some Littleton people saw my troubles and brought a wheel chair. Dr Silva had me admitted.  Things went down hill and the last thing I remember was the helicopter ride down to  Dartmouth Hitchcock Saturday night.  The rest of that week is blank.  By Thursday I was recovered enough to telephone my children. 

   They never did figure out what hit me.  After 10 pints of red blood, the bleeding out my fanny stopped.  There were a couple of exam experts who wanted to run some kind of camera down my nose to look around.  I suggested that since the blood was coming out my fanny they ought to start there and do a colonoscopy.  Look around the place that patient is having trouble first.  The exam experts didn’t listen to me.  I am pretty sure they did the nose thing AND a colonoscopy.

   To my great joy they let me out of stir on Friday (two days ago).  I am home.  My brother John Starr drove me home.  I would not have survived without his support.

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