Tuesday, March 8, 2022


 To make electricity steam boilers produce hot high pressure steam.  The steam goes into steam turbines which turn the alternators that actually make the electricity.  The steam, cooler and lower pressure comes out of the turbine.  This waste steam is too cool and too low pressure to feed into a turbine, but it is plenty hot enough for space heating.  Locate your building close to an electric power station and you can heat it with waste steam from the turbines.  The electric company will be glad to sell it to you at a good price. 

   For cogeneration to be really effective, the electric power station has to be located downtown where there are plenty of buildings needing heat.  This works, electric power stations run quietly, are not very big, and make fine neighbors.  I used to own a triple decker in Cambridge right off Western Ave.  There was a nice power station right on Western Ave. 

   For fossil fuel plants cogeneration works fine.  Nuclear plants not so much.  The greenies hate nuclear power and put out all kinds of anti nuclear propaganda and run off demonstrations at nuclear plants under construction.  So we can skip nuclear plants for cogeneration. 

   But we ought to insist, thru our public utility commissions, that new fossil fuel electric power stations be located downtown so that cogeneration is possible.  It will save a good deal of fuel over the years.

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