Thursday, January 17, 2013


I didn't bother to see it in theaters a couple of years ago, so when it came on cable the other night I had to watch it.  It's a shoot-em-up that never stops shooting.  It would have been better if the sound man had been better.  Much of the dialog was lost thru mumbling by the actors, or letting the score and the sound effects over ride the dialog, which is totally under control of the sound man.  And there was too damn much pointless yelling as the sh-- hit the fan, which it did in every scene. 
   The camera man wasn't much better.  He seldom gave you a good look at the actor's faces.  There was too much of guys sneaking around in the dark and the audience wondering who that guy was, good guy or bad guy.   Lots of car chases, explosions, gun fights, swinging thru the air on ropes, and suchlike eye candy.  Toward the end of the movie I totally lost track of the plot, who was on first, and who was a bad guy.  I just watched the bang-bang. 
   Too bad, it could have been a good fun action flick. 

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