Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Does anyone think we can talk the Iranians out of their nukes?

The Iranians have been working to get nuclear weapons for years.  They want nukes badly.  They want nukes to prevent the Americans from doing regime change on them, like we did on Saddam Hussein 10 years  ago.  The Iranians figure if the Americans can knock over Iraq in a month, something which the Iranians failed to do after a ten years war, then the Americans can take them over just as easily.  The Ayatollahs have no desire to wind up hiding in foxholes like Saddam did.
   There is nothing we can offer Iran in return for scrapping their nuclear program. The Iranians are dead set on getting nukes, they have spent a load of money on them, they have endured economic sanctions, they are so close they can taste it, they aren't going to quit now.
  No matter what deals we offer, what threats we make, the Iranian nuclear program is going ahead.
  And yet, our Obama, is taking the occasion of the UN dog and pony show, to talk about negotiation with Iran.  The Iranians are fine with that, they will happily negotiate until hell freezes over, or until they set off their first nuke.  Sure we can negotiate, but nothing is going to come of it.
   Obama is OK with that, as long as the negotiations are going on he doesn't have to make any commitments, or even worse, go to Congress and ask for military action against Iran.   He is hoping that things will drag out long enough for him to leave office without having to make a move.
   It's time for another Stuxnet.

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