Tuesday, September 3, 2013

What matters is Syria, not American credibility

The TV has been all Syria, all day.  Being newsies, they get a lot wrong.  They yack a lot about credibility and what the rest of the world thinks about America.  But intervention in Syria must be decided upon what intervention will do to Syria, not what the rest of the world thinks about us.
   Does anyone think we can just do a fireworks display?   When we intervene against one side, we are handing victory to the other side.  If we zap Bashar Assad, much as he deserves it, we tip the civil war to the opposition, who seems to be mostly Al  Quada.  Have you seen the video of an opposition soldier disemboweling a fallen soldier, and eating the heart and liver, raw?  Do you want to put  those people in charge of Syria?  Think about it. 
   Obama has convinced the entire world that the Americans are flakes.  Intervention is Syria isn't going to make them think better of us.


Evan said...

Hi Dave,

Have some fun reading from the Onion about Syria. We shouldn't get involved in that mess and it was stupid to draw a 'red line' that doesn't mean anything.



Dstarr said...

Ahh yes, the Onion, they can hit the nail on the head. I agree, we should stay out. I emailed all three of my Congresswomen to that effect. Congress doesn't know what to do, a few more letters might tip the scales. Bombing Assad might well tip the country to Al Quada, Islamist crazies taking orders from the Ayatollahs in Teheran. I note that the Syrian Christians (10% of the population) are sticking with Assad rather than risking Al Quada.
If Congress votes against intervention it will be a solid hit to Obama, both domestically and overseas. I don't really feel much sympathy for him, he got himself into this with his mouth. Any grownup and any parent ought to know that when you make a threat (red line is a threat) you gotta be ready to back it up. And he could have ordered a Tomahawk strike last Friday on his own say so. At the last minute, he decided not to, and go to Congress. From what I hear, there is a better than even chance Congress will turn him down.