Thursday, March 20, 2014

Will the US act when Putin moves on NATO?

Lot of the newer NATO members are ex-Soviet Union or ex Warsaw Pact.  Putin has shown that he wants them back, part of Russia, under his thumb.  Ask anyone in Ukraine.  Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Czech Republic, and some others share borders and history with Russia.  Putin might make a move on any one of 'em.  
  NATO is a military alliance, with a "Three Musketeers" clause, One for all and all for one.  An attack on one is deemed an attack on all.  We set up NATO right after WWII when it looked like the Soviets wanted to take over all of Europe.  Back then, with Hiroshima and Nagasaki still smoking, no one doubted American resolve and willingness to use force.
   How about today?  Take Estonia for example.  It just managed to pull itself out of the Soviet Union in the shakeup after Mikhail Gorbachev hauled down the red flag of the Soviet Union in 1991.   Lot of ethnic Russians in Estonia.  Some of them are unhappy about things like school being taught only in the Estonian language.   Putin has already made noises about this.
   So, what happens when the Russians move into Estonia like they did in the Crimea?  Will the US honor NATO treaty obligations and send troops to defend it?  Obama doesn't want to.  That's pretty clear to everyone in the world.  If we let the Russians eat up Estonia, is NATO membership worth the paper it's printed upon? 
    The question before European countries, both eastern and western:  What do you say to an 800 pound gorilla?  Answer:  Sir! 

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