Thursday, September 1, 2016

Immigration (to the US)

We need it.  To maintain the population, each woman in the US needs to bear 2.1 children during her lifetime.  We aren't making that right now, it's like 1.9 or 2.0.  And it would not be that high without immigrant women who bear more children than the native born do. 
   We need immigrants who are loyal to the United States.  Not loyal to ISIS or Islam, of communism, or the old country, but loyal to the United States.  Other the years we have done well in this respect,  I have a number of immigrant friends who are intensely loyal to this country. 
   After loyalty, we need people who will become gainfully employed, stay out of trouble with the law, raise decent children, pay taxes, and contribute to the community.  People like this strengthen the country, make the economy grow, and are good to have around. 
   We have 11 million immigrants in the country who haven't done the right paperwork to be here.  Far as I am concerned,  if they have been doing the right thing, (employed, clean criminal record, married, children) I say let em stay.  Deporting them all would be brutal, and the TV coverage would look like the SS shipping Jews to Auschwitz.  Let's not do that.  
   And, if we are gonna let them stay in the country, we need to grant them citizenship.  All men are created equal is the core principle of the United States.  That means everyone gets to vote.  It's a violation of our principles to have two classes of people, real citizens and green carders. 
   I know, it lets the people who are here already get to the head of the line.  Too bad.  They showed courage in coming here, and have demonstrated that they are good citizens, why not let them go ahead?  Plus the "line" is pretty much closed, it can take 20 years wait for a green card. 
   The newsies are having a lot of fun zapping the Donald on immigration issues.  But immigration isn't all that important to the voters this year, not compared to the economy, jobs, Islamic terrorism and even Zika.  The newsies like the issue cause it is simple enough for even their limited understanding, unlike say  the economy which is complicated.

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