New twist to the tax bill. A "snap back" clause that pops taxes back up if the deficit gets too large. "Too large" is not defined, so it can happen anytime. The effect is a tax hike but Congresscritters don't have to vote for it. Constituents don't like tax hikes which accounts for Congresscritters reluctance to stand up and vote for them. They like this trick better, where they can cancel the tax cuts, pretty much anytime they like, with out voting for it.
This should not be allowed. When Congress raises taxes, each member must take a vote, in public (rollcall) so we taxpayers can know which Congresscritters are taking our hardearned money.
Speaking of the tax bill, I have been noticing some TV ads denouncing the tax bill because it will raise the deficit. The ads don't have sponsors, I don't know for sure who is running them, but I suspect Democrats. Might be RINO's. I'm thinking we voters ought to ignore political ads that don't declare their sponsors. The deficit argument is kinda bogus too. It really means that Congress wants to keep on spending, that shutting down the gravy train is just too painful to think about.
The deficit could be reduced by better economic growth, and shutting down worthless programs. Start with shutting down the federal education department. Education from preK thru college is funded and controlled by state and local government and parents. The feds just draw their salaries, they don't actually educate anyone. Then shut down the federal Housing and Urban Development department. Let the state and local governments do the work.
Those few ideas will do good things for the deficit.
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