Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Driving down to DC, surveying the traffic

After posting about Ford getting out of the car business, at least the small econobox car business. I took note of what was on the road on the way down from Franconia to DC.  It does seem like fewer econoboxes, more pickups, more SUV's and the smaller SUVs that the car people call "crossovers".   About half the pickup trucks had company names painted on their doors, but the other half looked to be be privately owned. 
   And lots and lots of heavy trucks, 18 wheelers.  I figure that's a sign of a good economy, all those 18 wheelers on the road are either hauling some company's product to the customer, or going empty to pick up a load.  Lots and lots of heavy trucks on the interstates is a good sign.

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