Wednesday, November 25, 2020

His Dark Materials

 They made a miniseries out of the Phillip Pullman books (Golden Compass, Subtle Knife, Amber Spyglass).  It plays on HBO and I got the first season thru Netflix.  I started on the first disc, and have watched the first two episodes so far.  It's not bad.  The landscapes and cityscapes are well done and convincing.  The daemons are well done.  I assume both are all CGI. The interior scenes, especially of Jordan College are beautiful and well done.  The airships look good.  
    They gave black actors a lot of parts in this one.  They all seem to be pretty good actors.
    It doesn't move all that fast.  After two hour long episodes we have only gotten Lyra picked up by Mrs Coulter and brought to Mrs Coulter's London place.  Lyra has just decided that Mrs Coulter means her no good and she slips out the window and runs for it.   The girl they cast for Lyra's part is really too old, too tall, and not all that cute.  The Golden Compass movie had a better young actress for Lyra's part.  
    I read the books, some years ago, so I could recognize the major characters and know their names.  The poor second string characters don't get names.  Nobody ever addresses them by name, or speaks about them and gives their name.  If you haven't read the books, you will need to pay very careful attention to the plot or you will get lost.  
   All in all, it's pretty good, I plan to watch all the episodes.  

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