Saturday, November 14, 2020

Unconvincing computer expert on Fox news

 He was billed as chairman of the computer science department at University of Michigan.  It was claimed that he had been studying voting machines for 20 years.  I did not catch his name.  He claimed that the voting machines were totally secure, no way they could switch Trump votes to Biden.  Spoke in generalities.  He did not address a number of items.  Can new code be loaded into the voting machine by merely inserting a flash drive into a USB socket?  How is the machine's code patched or upgraded?  What checks are performed to insure that ALL the voting machines have received the latest code?  What prevents a hacker from changing the code in the machines?  How old are the machines in service?  Were they manufactured by Dominion Software?  Who wrote the code in the machines?  What tests did he perform on voting machines?  How many machines did he test?  Do the voting machines produce a hard copy of the final vote?  A filled out ballot?  Are the voting machines connected to the public internet?  or to a private network?  What version of Windows are the voting machines running?  Have all the Microsoft patches been applied? 

   This guy did not convince me that he really knew what he was talking about.  I spent 30 years programming computers.

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