Thursday, September 9, 2021

Biden wants Alternate Energy by 2040


Biden wants zero emissions from electric generation by 2040.  Good luck Joe baby.   He is pushing “alternate energy” by which he means wind and solar.  Trouble with wind and solar is they don’t produce electricity when needed; they only produce electricity when they feel like it.  Solar stops generating when the sun goes down, which happens every evening.  Wind stops generating when the wind stops blowing, which is not unusual.  In fact the air is dead still up here as I write this. 

   I need electric power all the time.  My oil burner won’t run without electricity, my stove, my hot water, my lights, my TV, my computer, my power tools all need electricity.  Biden’s zero emissions plan would only furnish power on sunny afternoons.  Juice goes off at sundown.  On a cold winter night, no juice means no oil burner and my pipes freeze. 


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