Lithium is element number 3, above hydrogen and helium. It is an alkali metal with a single valance electron. It is found in nature as various compounds. Elements lighter than iron are quite plentiful in the universe and on earth. The lighter elements are created in all stars, of which there are many. The heavier elements, heavier than iron, are only formed in supernova, of which there are many many less than there are stars. Only one star in 1000 (or more) goes supernova, so the elements formed in supernovae are scarcer, although available. Copper, silver, gold and platinum are all heavier than iron, scarce enough to be called precious metals, but common enough to be used as money and as jewelry.
Anyway, we should be able to find plenty of lithium in North America if we look. Actually they have found a sizeable lithium deposit out in Oregon. The company prospecting this deposit was saying on the radio that required greenie paperwork will delay opening a mine in this deposit by five or ten years. If we really need more lithium for batteries in battery cars, we could get it now be revoking all the greenie paperwork.
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