Thursday, March 31, 2022

Let’s cut federal spending.

There are a lot of federal agencies that we could do without. 

  1. Kill off the Securities and Exchange (SEC) agency.  This was created after the great depression with the mission of preventing another great depression.  After great depression 2.0, which broke out in the winter of 2007-2008 it is clear that the SEC has failed in its primary purpose.  We ought to shut them down, lay off all the workers, burn the files, and sell the buildings. 
  2. The federal education department.  They don’t do any teaching which is all that counts in education.  They have been issuing a bunch of “guidance” letters that are not really needed. Again we ought to lay off all the workers, burn the files, and sell off the buildings.
  3. The bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives (BATFE).  This is the old revenooers from the 1930s.  The agency was created to collect the federal whisky tax of $10.50 a gallon, and suppress moon shining.  In recent times they brought us Ruby Ridge.  We could shut them down completely.  State and local police can handle what little law enforcement BATFE does. 
  4. The Federal department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).  I cannot think of anything HUD does other than draw their pay.  We could shut them down and nobody would miss them.
  5. There are probably more, but these are the ones that come immediately to mind.


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