Thursday, June 19, 2014

Maybe Immigration did beat Eric Cantor

Glenn Reynolds and Mickey Kaus discuss this possibility on Glenn's Web TV show.  Mickey relates that both sides in the campaign concentrated on the immigration issue in the last weeks of the campaign.  I have confidence in both Glenn and Mickey, they might be onto something here.  Mickey said that an immigration bill offering amnesty (although calling it something else) and freer immigration of workers is popular in with Republicans in DC.  They think it would gain them votes in the Hispanic community, and their corporate donors like the idea of more cheap labor.  The idea is unpopular outside of DC where voters see amnestied illegals gaining political power with the vote, holding wages down, and competing for jobs. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Don't rule things out while cutting a deal

With Iraq falling to terrorist, Obama  publicly declares we won't sent troops, and just now declares we won't fly airstrikes.
  Dumb and dumber.  You don't tell the enemy what you will or won't do.  Better to let them worry about what might happen to them. 
   Obama's lefty peacenik base may love this, but it doesn't help to preserve Iraq from Islamic terrorists.

Questions they didn't ask Hillary

Hillary ventured onto Fox News last night, got interviewed by Brett Bahr and Greta van Sustrend (sp?). I watched. The questions not asked:
1.  Why no rescue mission to Benghazi that night?
2.  Why were two US general officers in the theater relieved of command the next day?
3. Who turned down Behghazi's requests for more security before the attack?
4.  What was a big CIA installation doing in that sinkhole?
5.  What was the US ambassador doing there that night?

Hillary is not an inspiring speaker.  She uses the bafflegab technique, utter a lot of big words to say little or nothing.  She was evasive, seldom answering the question, instead launching off into vaguely related side issues of little interest.  Brett and Greta were polite and their questions were fairly easy, even for a democrat.
I'm wondering if Hillary OK'ed all the questions beforehand as a condition of coming on the show.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

20th Anniversery of OJ

Not to my taste.  But the newsies, all of 'em, NPR, Fox, ABC are all running reminiscences of the OJ trial from 20 years ago.  The event must really mean something to newsies, since they cover it so lovingly.  We have terrorists taking over Iraq, the economy sliding down the tubes, Russians taking over Ukraine, terrorist kidnaping schoolgirls, airliners mysteriously disappearing at sea, Republicans massing to take over the Senate, and all the newsies want to cover the OJ trial, again.
Talk about a slow news day. 

Monday, June 16, 2014

Cookie Pushers begin to flee the Bagdad embassy

Let's hope to doesn't look as bad as the  bugout from Saigon 40 years ago.
I heard our good old State Dept had 5000 cookie pushers stationed in Bagdad.  I wonder what they do, other than draw their pay.

Do you believe this?

Man changes his name to "Human" and runs for the NH house.  Fortunately he is a Democrat.  This same guy went to court to get a vanity plate reading "CopsLie".  Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Ya run what ya brung

Old car racing adage.  Sense of which is, once you get the car to the track, it's too late to soup it up.  There comes a time when more tinkering at the last minute either won't do any good, or worse, break something. 
  Iraq is like that.  The enemy is at the gates, to survive, the Iraqi army must fight off the terrorists with what they have, now. There is no time for training, more US equipment, political reforms, anything.  When the enemy is at the gates, the only thing to do is fight, and win.
  All the Sunday pundits were full of ideas for reinforcement, re equipment, training,  air support, you name.  Sorry. It's too late for that.  Iraq will stand or fall on the fight the Iraqi army can put up.
   The only thing we can do, now, that will work, is send a division of US troops.  They might get there in time.