Monday, July 15, 2013

No where to put violent madmen

They dropped him off at a Manchester hospital, Friday.  A decision to commit him to the state mental hospital involuntarily was made.  But the state hospital was full.  So they left him in the ER.  All night, all weekend.  By Monday he was good and mad and assaulted an ER worker, breaking his jaw and knocking out four teeth. He them slugged a nurse hard enough to break her cheek bone. 
   In short, New Hampshire is so short on state hospital beds that dangerous nut cases are parked in hospital ER, awaiting a bed to open up. 
   Here we had a violent case who was bad enough to get committed, and NH didn't have anywhere to put him.  They left him hanging around until he injured two people.
   What chance do we have of committing a school shooter before he kills children?

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