Monday, September 10, 2018

California law to require 100% renewable energy

The deadline in the law is 2045,  27 years into the future.  If CA sticks with this, doesn't water it down when they discover how expensive it is, they are talking about putting in enough solar and wind generation to carry the entire load of the state.  Trouble is, solar panels don't give juice after the sun goes down, and windmills don't give juice when the wind doesn't blow. 
   Which means, CA will have to maintain in operating condition, all the real power plants they have today, AND pay for building and installing renewable energy plants sufficient to carry the state wide electrical load, during daylight and when the wind is blowing.  At night, and on calm days, the real power plants will have to keep the lights on  state wide. 
  In short, CA is planning to spend enough money to install statewide renewable energy plants with capacity to power the entire state.   Figure this will cost as much as the real power plants CA already has.  This amounts to paying for two sets of electrical plants, one real, one renewable, instead of one.  Which will double the costs, and then double electrical bills. 
   Of course, CA may back off after it becomes clear how expensive this is gonna be.  They have 27 years in which to waffle. 

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