Tuesday, May 31, 2022

What should parents do to raise decent children and not Texas shooters?

I am writing as a veteran parent.  I had three children, they are all grown up now, they all graduated college, they all stayed off drugs. The oldest is married, the middle daughter is sadly doing a divorce, and youngest son has found a very nice girlfriend.  I count my parenting as a success.

For openers, parents of young children should try to stay married, at least until the children have grown up some.  To the point where I think state child services should seize children of divorced single parents and put them up for adoption, should those children fail to obey teachers or get into crime.

Kids need to be loved by their parents. They need encouraging words, praise, stories.  They need to be scolded, not too often, when they mess up.  They need a lot more love and encouragement than scolding.

All parents ought to take the kids to church on Sunday.

Small children ought to have a regular bedtime, say 8 PM, every night.

Kids ought to get fed three squares a day, with no, or at least very lightweight snack times in-between.

Kids ought to do a few hours of homework every school day.  Doing homework on the kitchen table while a parent prepares dinner is good.

Kids ought to go outdoors and play with neighboring kids as much as possible.  Playing with peers is far better for kids than letting them watch TV or play computer games.

Parents should read a bedtime story to their kids, every night.

Older kids ought to have bicycles, and ride them to school, baseball games, and other kid activities.

Kids ought to have good kid’s books to read at home.

Kids ought to be taught to swim as early as possible.  It is a tragedy to have a child drown.

Kids should go hiking and climbing.  Kids should be enrolled in Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and summer camp.

Kids should have pets, dogs or cats or something.  And be responsible for their care.

Some of this stuff may be beyond the means of some parents.  As a parent you do the best you can.






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