Thursday, September 22, 2022

How Bad is the illegal immigration situation?

I just received one of those “Do Not Destroy. Registered Member Documents Enclosed” envelopes in the US Mail.  It was from Judicial Watch (a reasonable political group to whom I have contributed some money in the past) and the first seven questions were about the very large costs of illegal immigration, extra school costs, extra hospital costs, and more,  from illegal immigration.  The costs quoted were high, so high that I would want to check them out before I believed the numbers.  The tone of the rest of the document was “Illegal immigrants are costing us an arm and leg and we should shut them down.” I suppose the states on the Mexican border might be getting hit this hard but I don’t think my state is, yet.

   Where I live, New Hampshire, is a border state, our border is with Canada.  Far as I can tell, Canadians are happy with things in Canada and are staying in Canada, except for shopping.  Prices are lower in the US than they are in Canada, so we see a reasonable number of Canadians down here shopping.  They spend money, which is a good thing.  The Canadians mostly drive back to Canada after a shopping trip to New Hampshire.  The Mexican border is as far away from New Hampshire is it can be for an American State so I don’t think we are getting hit as hard as this questionnaire suggests, yet.

   Personally I am perfectly OK with illegal immigrants who find a job, pay their taxes, stay out of trouble with the law, go to mass on Sunday, and send their kids to school.    I call these good citizens, and our country needs all the good citizens it can get. 

   Immigrants who are MS13 gang members, who smuggle fentanyl, extort money, and engage in crime, are terrible citizens and we should lower the boom on them, good and hard.

   Anyhow I will return the questionnaire to Judicial Watch and maybe even send them a little money.


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