Sunday, May 13, 2012

Congressmen need to "get things done"

This from John Hoeven (R-NorthDakota) on C-span.  We have to get things done.  The two things he wants to get done are the transportation bill and the farm bill.  Both of these are pure pork. We could dump them both and save $30-50 billion, just this year. None of this ten year savings baloney, we could save $40-50 billion THIS YEAR.
  The transportation bill sends maybe $15 billion a year of federal gasoline tax money to the 50 states for road building and commuter rail projects.  Better to let the states fund just the projects they need.  Let the federal gas tax expire. If the states need more money, let them raise the state gas tax.  We would be better off with out a federal transportation bill.
   And we would be better off without a farm bill.  Maybe family farmers needed federal price supports back during the Great Depression, but  not anymore.  Farms are mostly run by corporations like Archer Daniel Midlands, and corporations don't need subsidies.  Plus, why should farmers get federal payouts?  Why not retailers and manufacturers and loggers and miners and telephone companies and airlines and truckers and everyone else in the country?  Why should farmers get something that nobody else gets. 

   With luck, a bunch of new Congressmen will turn up in Washington and refuse to "get things done".

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