Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Trip to Harvard Square

Favorite Daughter  and her boyfriend came up to Boston to attend her high school reunion.  I drove down to spend a day in Harvard Square with them.   Going south thru Franconia Notch we have a repaving project in full swing, spending money.  That road was in fine condition, no potholes, before they started repaving it.  It's nice to have spare money to give to road contractors.  Then drove thru the road widening project on I93 south of Manchester.  That bit of four lane highway has been a pain-in-the-tail bottleneck for at least 25  years.  About a third of it is "widened" .  Except that the "widened" portions are still only four lanes wide.  Granted the lanes and shoulders are wider and the curves are gentler,  but we really needed to get six lanes in return for spending all that money. 
   Picked up Daughter and boyfriend and did both the Museum of Science and Harvard Square, both old sentimental favorite places for Father and Daughter.  Virginia bred boy friend was OK with them.  Wound up drinking Ballentine Ale at Charlie's Kitchen (about the oldest joint left in Harvard Square)  and telling stories.  Good time was had by all.

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