Monday, May 18, 2015

Hypothetical Questions

The TV newsies are having great fun asking Republicans "Knowing what we know now, would you have attacked Iraq?".  The newsies love this one.  No matter which way the candidate answers this one, it makes him look bad.  We haven't had as good a question since "have you stopped beating your wife" made the rounds.
  No Republican wants to say Bush was wrong going into Iraq. Everyone knows it was the threat of an Iraqi nuclear program that convinced Bush and the Congress to declare war on Iraq.  Back in the day, our noble intelligence services produced evidence of a Saddam Hussein  bomb program strong enough to convince even Colin Powell, an experienced and respected man who most of us trusted.  After the invasion, no evidence of an Iraqi nuclear program was discovered, and to the credit of the Bush administration, no attempt to fabricate evidence was attempted.  Today, knowing that Saddam didn't have nukes, and wasn't anywhere close to having nukes, nobody would have invaded Iraq.  Everyone knows that, and there is little to be gained in asking the question, other than embarrassing Republicans, something which the average TV newsie loves to do. 
   Better questions to ask all candidates.
1.  What will you do about ISIS?
2.  What will you do to prevent Iran from getting nukes?
3.  What will you do to get  US economic growth back up to 3%?
4.  What job killing regulations will you repeal?

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