Thursday, May 28, 2015

We Republicans have an embarrasment of riches.

We have presidential candidates that will not quit.  Just finished listening to George Pataki, former New York governor announce he is running on Fox News.  Live no less. 
Question:  Of the dozen of more Republicans out there, which one can win the general election?  Polls still show Hillary is strong, stronger than any Republican, although only by a few points.  With the exception of the isolationist Rand Paul, and Pennsylvania oddball Rick Santorum, I could vote for any of the others.  This morning's TV poll has five of 'em polling 10%, and the rest of them trailing off from there. 
   I think the winner might be the one who sets out a platform with some substance in it.  So far all I see is smiling faces saying "elect me".   The "Contract with America" worked for Newt Gingrich 20 years ago, it's a good schtick, someone ought to try it again. 

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