Sunday, March 15, 2020

I remember the Asian Flu of 1957

I was in boarding school  (10th grade) at the time.  Every kid in the school caught it.  Fortunately we didn't all catch it at once.  The first victims were recovering by the time the last victims caught it.  Things were so tight you had to show a temperature over 100F to get admitted to the infirmary.  My room mate and I spent several low key days in our dorm room, telling stories, reading Playboy, and sipping hard cider.  Back then the farmers sold unpasteurized apple cider.  Put a gallon jug of it in your closet, wait 4 maybe 5 days and it became nice fizzy hard cider.  Not too much of a kick to it, but better than nothing.  You did have to take care to loosen the cap, lest fermentation generate enough CO2 pressure to burst the jug.  That happened to one kid, made one helova mess in his closet. 
   But, they kept playing baseball, going to school, running the trains.  No runs on toilet paper, or anything else.  Today we panic (largely egged on by the media who want to sell papers and attract viewers) and we are shutting down the entire country. 

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