Hard to tell. Today's TV news listed 244 known cases in the US with 12 deaths. That yields a death rate of 0.5%. That may change. In patients, the Corona virus looks like plain old flu. The only way to tell that the patient has Corona virus is a blood test, which up until the other day was only done by CDC in Atlanta. Only patients with recent travel to China or other hot spots, or had contact with other Corona virus cases got tested. Those 244 know cases represent the few patients who have been tested. That's getting fixed, as I write this. As of maybe Monday test kits will be widely distributed, and the number of tests will soar. Expect the number of cases to climb, a lot. That will reduce the computed death rate, a lot.
My sources tell me that the test coming out is pretty good at detecting Corona, but it also gives positives for a number of other common viruses (virii). These false positives will further increase the number of cases, again reducing the death rate. Some experts expect the final death rate for Corona will come out lower than for plain old ordinary flu.
The TV news has been yammering about Corona cases popping up in people with no travel and no contact with known Corona virus patients. A likely explanation is some people are mostly immune to Corona and although infected, they don't show symptoms, and don't feel bad. So they are out there, going about their business. But they can infect other people. I expect wide spread testing will find these people (if they exist).
And, based on the mere 244 cases that we know about today, we have been doing a pretty fair job keeping Corona virus out of the US. The Democrats ought to get off Trump's case. On the evidence he is doing a pretty good job keeping Corona out of the country.
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