Saturday, March 14, 2020

So how bad is Corona virus a week later

It's got a new name COVID-19.  Death rate is now worse, about 2 or 3 % compared to 0.5% last week.  Tests are getting out in the field and that has raised the number of cases in the US to 3 thousand or so, a big up since last week where it was 244.  That's probably the result of testing.  A week ago the tests were not out there, and we were not calling COVID-19 infection unless we had tested for it.  Now that we have more tests, we are finding more cases.  So far New Hampshire is doing OK, only 6 cases so far.
    Apparently people under 50 can mostly shake it off, death rate for them is way less than 1%.  For old fogies like myself, the death rate can be as bad as 10%.  Youngest son called today and urged me to be careful.  If things keep getting worse, they may cancel Senate sessions down in Concord, at which point I can just sit back, relax, and  work on my HO train layout here at the house.  My old school has just canceled Alumni Day coming up in May.  Too bad, I was going, it would have been my 60th high school reunion. 

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