Sunday, May 6, 2018

Gina Haspell for CIA director

She is Mike Pompeo's choice to replace himself.  She is a new name to me.  Apparently she is an old CIA hand, been with the agency for 30 plus years.  Actually worked in the field, collecting intelligence, rather than being a paper shuffling desk weenie back at Langley.
   Democrats have been trashing her because some of the intelligence she gathered came from vigorous interrogation of,(possibly waterboarding of) Al Quada prisoners back right after 9/11.   I'm perfectly OK with this, it shows she was actually gathering intelligence rather than opining without facts.  Or leaking to the NY Times.
  If I was going to criticize Ms Haspell, I would ask her about her views on past CIA disasters, such as the failure to predict the fall of the Soviet Union, their prediction that Saddam Hussein had nuclear weapons, their prediction that the Iranians had stopped  their nuclear weapons program, the Valerie Plame case, and leaking the story of Bin Laden's satellite phone to the New York Times.  Bin Laden must read the Times too, after the satellite phone story broke, Bin Laden got rid of his  phone and ran Al Quada by messengers.  This probably extended his life by five years. 

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