Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Note to foreign governments

To make a deal with the United States you have to push thru a treaty, ratified by the Senate.  Otherwise you don't have a deal.  As the Iranians are finding out.  Obama knew he could never get the Senate to agree to the Iranian deal, so he never sent to to the Senate for ratification, which means it is not a deal binding upon the United States.  And probably Obama knew that the Iranians would never agree to the kind of terms that the Senate would ratify.  So Obama settled for a not-treaty scrap of paper that was only good as long as Obama remained President.  The ever sucking up newsies gave Obama the same good publicity as if he had gotten a real treaty, which was all Obama really cared about. 
   Anyhow, if you don't get a treaty ratified by the Senate, you don't have a binding deal.
   The real trick will be to get the Europeans and Boeing to forgo all those sales to Iran.  The Iranians have good money from crude oil sales to buy a lotta stuff.  They want to buy a flock of jetliners from Boeing (many $billion in sales) and about the same number from Airbus.  Plus a lot of other stuff.  It's gonna be hard to get everyone to forgo all that Iranian money.  

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