Thursday, May 3, 2018

Those questions for President Trump

The ever clueful  New York Times is the source for the list.  It might have been leaked from the Mueller investigators (doubtful)  or Trump's people (somewhat more likely) or just invented out of clear blue sky by the NY Times people (highly likely).  I notice a senior Times editor just left the Times, could it be over inventing fake news?
   The questions that I saw are kinda awful.  Totally vague, which allows the prosecutors to bear down and take the interview anywhere they want.  Lots of "what did you think" questions,  which is fishing for a thought crime.  Covering vast stretches of time, which makes it hard for the target to remember everything he said or did going back 10 and 20 years.  And opens the target up for perjury charges should he misstate or misremember any picayune detail. 
   Was I Trump, I'd hold out for written questions, asked in writing and replied to in writing.  And I get some very clever lawyers to go over each answer with a fine toothed comb to weed out any booby trap answers.  

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