Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Rutger's Cans a Coach

Some coach at Rutgers is in trouble, as like getting fired, for using bad language and homosexual slurs on his players.  The Fox Five talking heads was hashing this over, some of them saying good  riddance, others are saying this is the wussification of America, winning coaches have to get in their athlete's faces. 
   That's one of those things.  There is a fine line between pushing the team hard to win, and being an asshole.  Without being there, and knowing the coach and the players, and listening to endless video tapes of practices, I  would not venture an opinion in this case.  
   Nor can I offer any rule of thumb to sort things out.  All I can say is coaches that I have played for or known, Tom Ludwig, Fred Swan, Col. Raiford,  John Roberts, were tough, but they were gentlemen.  I never remember them using bad language or  belittling players or impugning a player's sexual orientation. 
   The Fox Five would have done more good if they had attempted to spell out the difference between tough and pushy and being an asshole. 

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