Wednesday, August 21, 2013


The breakout James Bond movie.  It was the third one out, Dr No and From Russia with Love preceeded it, but Goldfinger was the movie that made Bond into the bigtime.  Last night I popped my DVD of Goldfinger into the player and enjoyed it. 
   For a movie nearly 50 years old, it has worn well. Except for the vintage cars, everything else looked reasonable.  The aircraft, the costumes, the sets, the firearms, even the industrial laser, all look right up to date even when they are actually a half century old.  Bond's one liners are still funny, and so are Goldfinger's.  Bond's snappy wardrobe still looks snappy.  The CIA guys both wear hats, (fedoras ) which nobody wears anymore, but their black suits would look right in style for Men In Black. Nobody said anything objectionable by the standards of 2013.  Everybody smoked in the movie, but then everybody smoked in real life in those days.
   I remember seeing Goldfinger back in 1964 at the Keesler Air Force Base outdoor theatre.  The place was packed with GI's, who hugely enjoyed the movie.  There is one technical slip, a supposed Army NCO was wearing Air Force sergeant's stripes. That brought the house down fifty years ago. 
   There was one other slip up.  After crushing the Lincoln with the mobster inside it, Oddjob has the bundle of metal dropped into the bed of a Ford Falcon pickup truck.  That wouldn't have worked in real life.  The Lincoln weighs two tons (crushed or uncrushed) and the Falcon pickup truck was super light duty that bottomed out the springs around half a ton.   Should have used something bigger like a Dodge Powerwagon.
   Then there was the neat little tracker built into the Aston Martin.  The one that displayed a map with a bright blinking light indicating the target location (usually Goldfinger was the target).  At the time I saw the flick, I thought it was cool but a little advanced for current (1964) technology.  A few months later, after reporting in to my duty unit, I saw the Tactical Situation Display (TSD) in the F106 fighter.  Damn, the TSD worked exactly like Bond's tracker. 

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