Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Obama doesn't want to whack ISIS

To whack ISIS essentially means sending the armed forces back to Iraq.  Obama was so proud of pulling them out of Iraq back in 2011, that sending them back in 2014  looks like an admission of defeat.  Obama would rather be defeated than admit defeat. 
   Obama sees America as an international bad guy.  He is all the time "restraining" the country from intervening anywhere because he sees American intervention as bad.  Whacking ISIS he sees as unjustified hostility to a native political organization of national liberation. 
   Right now, Obama fears the voters will reject him if he expresses these sentiments.  So he does a little fireworks display now and then, just enough to make it look like we are really doing something, but so far it's just little fireworks displays. 
  Obama has a strategy, namely stay out of it, hope that ISIS will go away or die down or something.  He just doesn't dare tell the voters that is his strategy. 

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