Wednesday, September 4, 2019

North Grafton Republican host Bill O'Brien as speaker.

North Grafton Republicans had Bill O’Brien for their featured speaker last night.  Bill is running for US Senate, going up against Jeanne Shaheen, the democrat incumbent.  Bill has been around in NH politics for a long time.  Back about ten years ago, when the Democrats had driven the state budget $1 billion into the hole, Bill was speaker of the NH house.  He managed to cut the state budget 18%, bring it into balance, without hiking taxes. 
   He opened his remarks by saying that he was Trump before there was Trump.  He doesn’t support Planned Parenthood, saying that they are still selling body parts of aborted infants.  Bill sees “identity politics”, beloved by Democrats, as basically divisive, setting one group of Americans against another group.
  He is against Occasional-Castro’s Green Nude Eel; he sees it as imposing fantastic costs upon us citizens, as well as imposing harsh government controls on simple necessities like heating oil. 
   Bill is in favor of ending illegal immigration and sanctuary cities. He wants to fix the porous asylum system, and stiffen border defenses.  He wants a strong economy, because a strong economy creates jobs, the best thing we can do for people, and creates the wealth to deal with all the rest of our problems.  To which end he opposes red tape and regulations, and opposes government takeover of industries, and tax hikes.  He thinks US healthcare costs too much.  He opposes Medicare for All which would destroy Medicare and destroy private health insurance. 
   Far as I am concerned, Jeanne Shaheen has been a totally worthless Senator. She even wants to abolish the Electoral College, which was put into the Constitution to even things up between big states and small states.  New Hampshire is a small state and we would be crazy to give up the needed extra political power that the Electoral College gives us at the federal level.  In opposing the Electoral College Shaheen is opposing her constituents in New Hampshire in favor of the DNC. 

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