Sunday, September 29, 2019

The great Ukrainian telephone call kerfuffle

The TV news has been talking about nothing else for several days now.  The Democrats are calling impeachment.  The Republicans are not saying much.  I have not seen a good believable write up of what really happened. I have seen a lot of highly partisan write ups, from both sides, and I have trouble believing any of them.   Impeachment is going to make it impossible for Congress to do anything else for months, maybe years.  Impeachment talk won't go away until November 2020.   I tend to think this is a tempest in a teapot, a revival of the Mueller report, but going for impeachment makes it more serious.  It ought to do Biden some harm, the stories of Hunter Biden taking a $50,000 A MONTH salary from a Ukrainian firm are disgraceful.   Far as I can tell public opinion is still out on this great telephone kerfuffle.  I have no idea where it will eventually settle. 

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