Saturday, September 14, 2019

Thoughts on gun control

Gun control, every one’s favorite topic since all those terrible shootings in the last few weeks.  Democrats in Congress are all hot to pass new gun control laws, whether we need them or not.  Remember that Democrats have wanted to outlaw private ownership of firearms for many years now.  This looks like their opportunity. 
   They are pushing an “assault weapons ban”.  Trouble is, there is no difference between “assault rifles” and deer rifles.  In short, an “assault weapons ban” would become a ban on all guns.
   And then they talk about the “gun show loophole”.  I bought a gun at a gun show a while ago.  I, and everyone else, had to wait on the “instant background check” which took about an hour and a half.   Background checks are required at gun shows except for antique black powder guns.  
   And they are talking about toughening up the background checks.  Dunno just what that means, but I suspect it could get really ugly.
    The gun control people are saying that some guns, “military grade weapons”, “AR-15’s”, are more dangerous than other guns and we can make progress by banning the more dangerous guns, hence the push for an “assault weapons” ban.  This is wrong.  All guns are lethal.  Deer rifles are just as lethal as “assault rifles” In fact many states won’t allow deer hunting with AR-15’s, they don’t think the AR-15 is powerful enough to kill a deer cleanly. 

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