Friday, January 17, 2020

Censoring social media, how to do it

Been a lotta talk about censoring Facebook, Instagram, Google, Twitter, and some others for allowing fake news, antisemitism, far left, far right, Islamic terrorist, and lots of other postings.  The talkers so far are pushing for  the social media site to censor posts they don't like.   In addition to free speech violations, there is no way that the bigger sites can have enough censors to even skim postings fingered by some kind of AI software.  Let alone think hard about the fringe cases.  And the people they can hire as censors will be mostly lefty democrats.  The situation has gotten so bad that advertisers are cancelling ads. 
   We ought to use free market incentives to get the worst stuff off the air.  Break the bigger social media companies in half, and let the two half compete with each other for viewers, posters, and advertisers.  We have Sherman Anti Trust, and a whole department of lawyers to enforce it.  Far as I am concerned, any company with more that 50% market share is a monopoly and ought to be broken up into smaller companies.  Just for being too big. 

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