Friday, March 30, 2018

Vermont wants to regulate Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Sounds cool.  But what the newsies call "AI" is really just well programmed computers.  In the programming world, "AI" is a flexible sort of programming, where decisions (if-then branching) can be done with less than 100% positivity of the evidence.  And "AI" can be written to find it's goals by looking at data, which is more flexible than having the programs goals written into it by the programmers. 
  But when you get right down to it, what they are calling "AI" is really just programs running in microprocessors.  Modern programming is more flexible than the early FORTRAN programs that handled well understood problems like printing up the payroll checks.
    Long talk on Vermont public radio about the wonders of a Vermont state program to regulate "AI".  They don't have it yet, but this program was pushing the idea.  Since "AI" is really any programming, we are talking about regulating every product with a microprocessor in it.  Which is just about everything these days.  Your microwave, your automobile, your cell phone, your TV,  your FM radio, just about everything that uses electricity.  Do you really want to give a state commission the power to regulate just about everything?  I don't. 
   The free market is perfectly capable of controlling computer programs on the market.  Look at what's happening to Facebook over some data breaches.  Same thing will happen to any product or company that offends the broader market place. 

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