Friday, June 1, 2018

All the News that fits we print

Fox News did a short peace on a new air vehicle, looked like an air car.  Talked about it's use evacuating the wounded from the battlefield, and speeding civilian auto accident victims to the hospital.  Mentioned that getting the wounded/victims to the hospital within one hour would greatly improve survival rates.  Probably true. 
  They failed to give any useful information about the vehicle.  They failed to give the name of this wonderful machine, or the name of the Israeli company developing it, or the name of the US company that might produce it.  They didn't tell us the range of the vehicle.  They didn't state the engine horsepower it uses to get airborne.  They didn't state the payload.  To be useful it has to be able to get off the ground with a single patient, and the pilot. 
   The thing might be a success if it had a 50 mile range, and could land and get airborne again with a 200 pound patient and and 200 pound pilot aboard.  No indication of the capability of the flying prototype shown in the TV piece.  The prototype might not have the range and payload to be a success, but if we knew how close it was to successful performance, we could form an idea of how far it has to go to make the grade and be a successful product.  I assume the flying prototype they showed was a full scale prototype.  But they didn't tell us that.  It could have been a small scale model, a drone, no way I could tell watching TV.  And the TV people didn't tell us what we were watching, full scale working prototype, or tiny model drone. 

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