Wednesday, September 15, 2021

The Democrat’s “Freedom to Vote Act”

 After talking up a spending bill of $3.5 trillion, or perhaps $5.8 trillion, the Democrats are proposing loosening up voter laws to make it easier for Democrats to vote.  They are planning a voter law that would put the federal government in charge of a lot of stuff that is currently handled by state governments.  The want to force Republican states to make a lot of changes that will favor Democrats at the ballot box.

The Democrats want five changes that will open the doors to massive voter fraud.

1.  15 Consecutive days of early voting.  I think we ought to vote in Election Day; it simplifies counting votes, and makes it harder for out of state voters to show up, show false ID and a mail in ballot, and steal the vote of a real resident voter. 

2. Same day registration at all polling sites.  Same day registration makes voter fraud easier.  A real resident of the state has no trouble getting to town hall BEFORE the election and registering to vote.  An out of state shill, bussed up to vote, loves same day registration. 

3. Mail in voting.  Mail in voting causes millions of good ballots to be mailed out to every voter in the state.  A lot of these ballots fall into the hands of unscrupulous vote buyers, who fill them out for their party, file them down at town hall, and when the real voter shows up to vote, they get told, “Sorry, you already voted”. 

4.  Weaken voter ID.  Allow more documents including bank cards and student ID cards.  Far as I am concerned the only decent ID is a state driver’s license.  Everyone gets one; you have to have a driver’s license to drive to work. 

5. Require provisional ballots.  If the voter lacks a proper photo ID, he can fill out a ballot, the election officials are supposed to check out the voter and his lack of ID.  If the officials run out of time, and the ballot is for their party, they mark it OK, and throw it into the pile of ballots to be counted.  Far as I am concerned, if the voter doesn’t have a valid picture ID (driver’s license) then he doesn’t get to vote.


All Republicans ought to oppose this bill.  According to the Wall St Journal it will come up for a vote next week.  Too bad the entire New Hampshire congressional delegation is Democrat.  We need to fix that. 




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