Thursday, June 30, 2022

Why the US has a filibuster?

I’ll skip the colorful history of the filibuster which goes back to the Civil War.  I think we should demand more than just a razor thin majority of votes to pass a law.  Unless most of the legislators think the law is a good one, then it’s probably a bad one and should not pass.  The current Senate rules, which allow any senator to call for a vote of 60-40 to pass a law is a good idea.  If 40 senators think the law should not pass, that says to me that the law in question has some problems.  And the Republic is well served when that law is rejected.

  Democrats are calling to kill the filibuster, so that they can pass a number of very questionable laws that Republicans dislike and have filibustered.  I think that is a selfish and short sighted viewpoint on the part of Democrats. 

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